My blogging spans multiple blogs. To collect all of my writing and keep it organized by theme I've created this list. For convince, I've omitted "Metric Mondays" as they are time sensitive and these posts maintain relevance over time.
All About MY WIP: "Follow Me: Tattered Veils"
Going Through Copy Edits! - some notes Kristy Stewart found in my manuscript Follow Me: Tattered Veils and what I'm accepting in her edits vs rejecting
Preparing for the Leap - me gushing over reviews and interpretations readers will have of Follow Me: Tattered Veils and expounding on the strange head space writer finds him/herself in when they are about to release something so personal to the public.
1st Draft Vs 2nd Draft - notations on where certain pieces of my manuscript came together and what changed across two different drafts of my book.
I Have Trouble Naming: My Novel's Title- my struggle to name anything is showcased in this blog post title. I should have called it something like "Names Have Power and Mine are Weak Sauce. Anyway, it explains how I came up with the title "Follow Me" for my series and perhaps at one point in time I'll explain the "Tattered" Veils" and the "Of Gods and Monsters" at the end of their respective novels.
All about that Genre- a post where I explore all the crossover genres "Follow Me: Tattered Veils" COULD fit in and why I struggle to contain my work to one solid genre.
3 Beta Reader Critique That are Hard to Take- general feedback I get on my writing and the struggle I have to correct these issues.
Real World Obsessions that Make It Into my Writing: Faith and Religion- a post where I explain how my interest with faith structure and the human struggle infects my writing.
Reflections of a Writer: Softwares I've Used to Write a Novel - an introspective piece weighting the pros and cons of different softwares I've written books with.
Free Short Stories from ME!
"Melody's Crescendo" - about 2,000 word literary fiction short story I wrote based off a prompt for "action". It's about a game of flip cup.
"Halloween Spirit"- an 880 word spooky flash story I wrote for our blog in honor of Halloween as part of a writers' group activity. I highly recommend my fellow Christopher M. Palmer's story "The Ghost Strikes at Midnight" as a chaser.
Behind the Scenes of "Halloween Spirit"- an explanation of how I wrote my Halloween flash story and some extra intended symbolism in the story a casual reader may have missed. The post is longer than the story, lol.
Love Murder, & Romance - the first part of a writing round robin my writers' group and I collaboratively wrote.
Lover Murder, & Romance: Jessica Donegan's Ending - Three of us wrote our own ending to this prompt. This is my personal conclusion.
Writing Tools
Be Bold Behind Posting Metrics - a post where I explore the pros and cons of posting one's private metrics and where I discuss how it could have a place in your blogging format.
Be Bold: Writing and Publishing Fiction for Free- a post where I explore the pros and cons of posting long or short fiction for free.
Be Bold: Sharing Critical Content - a post where I explore the pros and cons of having a critical/negative opinion of something and sharing it in a blog or review.
What's in a Name? - a post where I admit my difficulty as a writer naming people/places/events, where I admit my struggle as a dyslexic reader to keep character separate when their names are too similar, and where I provide some resources to help writers pick out unique and relevant names.
Choosing Non-Violence in Writing - a post where I discuss other interactions writers can choose instead of action sequences. 5 solid suggestions to include, even if your work has violence in it.
Bells and Whistles: Grammar Editing Software- Bells and Whistles is a series I write that explores different tools for writers, this one digs into the three major editing softwares I've played and I added a bonus 4th software I've only looked at briefly.
New Year's Resolutions: Would a Writers' Group Help? - my yearly post encouraging local people to come play in my writers' group. I explore how being part of a group can help writers meet their goals.
When you Love Too Much - my reaction to an armed robbery where my manuscript was at risk.
Progress: What Marks Success? - I'm a person whose always trying to "prove" I'm moving forward and usually I use word count when I'm writing. As I edit "Follow Me: Tattered Veils" word count no longer applies and I question how else can I feel productive/successful? How do I hold myself accountable? This post inspired my Bells and Whistles Series and many others.
Churn and Burn- I 'expose' my greatest writing strength and how it is also a writing weakness.
Editing: The Gnat of Writing - my personal struggle with editing and grammar along with what I'm doing to help me improve my greatest writing weakness.
Bells and Whistles: Softwares that Encourage More Writing - Bells and Whistles is a series I write that explores different tools for writers, this one I wrote with an eye towards softwares that encourage increasing word count and time spent writing/ researching.
Do You Even Collaborative Write Bro? -a post on how I've collaborated in the past and look forward to working with other writers, editors, and (dare I dream) publishers in the future.
And I would do Anything for Love...But I Can't Do This - an exploration of my struggle to write creatively, edit, blog, and maintain a social media presence. Spoiler alert: I can't do all of it at once and this is a confession quasi-apology to the readers/writers who may need this from a debuting author.
Writers' Group Round Robin - a post on an exercise my writing group uses and how it helps promote creativity, collaborative writing, AND writing through writers' block.
My Complicated Past with Writing Prompts - my personal experience with writing prompts and a wonderful place for you to tell me how you feel about writing prompts or suggest sites/activities that promote creativity.
Rules of the Game - I'm not an editor, but I have tried my hand to edit our groups' writing prompts. Here I question the ethics of digging in and significantly altering another person's work and whether those rules apply when the work you want to change is your own.
Ongoing Calls for Submission- feels like I shouldn't have to include pages that are right next to this one but title tells you what you'll find here.
Resources- this page offers links to stuff that could be helpful to writers or readers but that I didn't spend a lot of time writing about. Check out the links and see for yourself what speaks to you.
Writing Prompt Series
Writing Prompts for Fors Fortuna - some history and lore from Fors Fortuna (Roman holiday), along with some prompts that may spark your own story.
Writing Prompts for Midsummer- some history and lore from midsummer, along with some prompts that may spark your own story.
Writing Prompts for Matralia - some history and lore from Matralia (Roman holiday), along with some prompts that may spark your own story.
Reading and Writing Reviews
My Good Reads profile - this gives readers access to all my unfiltered thoughts on anything I've read. My average review is 4 stars so I'm not SOOOO critical (or I'm a great judge of what I'll enjoy), but if you're looking for bad reviews I've written, this is the only place to find them. My blog promote stuff I like, they don't tear down things I didn't like
2018 Books: A Review- all the books I read in 2018 and my hot take on them
9 Things that Make a Book Good (For Me)- a list of my reader profile to create context for my reviews and feedback
7 Steps I Take Before Writing a Negative Review- a reminder to writers that readers are on your side. We want your book/movie to be good, that's why we read/watch and I check list for a reader to consider before they post their own critiques.
Does Being Critical Hurt Me as a Writer? - I explore what it means to not mindlessly praise people I hope to be peers with and I worry over whether approaching a book with an honest eye hurts my ability to collaborate and cross promote
6 Reasons I Don't Read Daily Science Fiction - title is self explanatory. I used to read Daily Science Fiction and stopped for these 6 reasons. This is a critical review of the platform and the stories provided.
Would You Rather? -a post that asks what kind of bad review you, as a creator prefer to see given to your work. In an ideal world we all want everyone to love out work BUT let's be real, people are going to hate it and how do you prefer to get that hate
7 Reasons I read Kindle Unlimited - since this is my major source of new reading material, it informs how I choose books and what kind of reviews readers can expect from me
Best of Kindle Unlimited Dragon Ridden Series- a review as well as a list of things authors can take away from these books
Best of Kindle Unlimited Secondborn Series- a review and a list of useful tips authors can take from this series
Best of Kindle Unlimited Tree of Ages- a review as well as of list of things authors can take away from this book series
10 Best Daily Science Fiction Stories of Feb - an abandoned series where I recommended works in Daily Science Fiction I enjoyed. It became a lot of work to read, write reviews, and do research on the authors.
Best of Daily Science Fiction Stories of Jan -an abandoned series where I recommended works in Daily Science Fiction I enjoyed. It became a lot of work to read, write reviews, and do research on the authors.
Personal Plans and Updates
2108 Writers Group Retrospective- my writers' group accomplishments for 2018
Finding You Niche: Experiments in Blogging - an introspective piece where I cover all the different blogs and niches I've covered in my time online. One thing most of them have in common is that I never passed the 3 month mark. Passion and finding a balance that works in your life seem to be core to maintaining a long running blog series.
I Took a Writing Class and this is my Experience- a review of a recent writing course I took part in
6 Step Twitter Plan- my most Current Twitter Strategy
8 Step Twitter Plan - the things I'm doing on Twitter to Grow my presence
16 Week Update- the latests progress update
6 Week Review- goes over progress I've made and adjustments I feel I need to make to see success in blogging, telling stories, and creating a presence/following for my stories
Making of a Wannabe Writer pt 1 - reads like an interview of my writing goals and feelings. Helpful in learning more about me and an activity I recommend other writers engage in
Attempts to Have Writing Conversations
Do you Listen to Music While Writing? - a simple conversation starter. Do you listen to music as you write, what kind, and is that music the same you listen to for pleasure or is it specific to writing?
Why Do you Write? - a personal manifesto of what compels me to write and an invitation to share your own motivations
Post Dating and Pre Dating Blog Posts- a general conversation on the use of scheduling posts to drop in the past, present or future. I look forward to others sharing their opinions on when/ how to schedule blog posts.
How Did You Become a Writer? - a kind of hokey post asking when you knew writing as in your blood. The post itself is kind of lame, but I have deep interesting in hearing from YOU about why you write, when you knew you couldn't give up, and what drives you forward
Swiping Inspiration - a lame pass at explaining how some details in my writing are stolen from real life and asking other writers what do they take from the world around them? Do you have characters, places, ideas, events in your fiction that's mostly non-fiction? Be honest! This post also questions when stealing from real life may be a breech of trust and other tricky dilemas
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