Ongoing Calls for Submission

All calls for submission recommended here pay at least $.01 a word.  They are oganized by categories that made sense to me and alphabetical order.

Flash Fiction: *for the purposes of this blog flash is between 100-2,000 words Definitions Vary 

Allegory Online Magazine: they don't specify but only flash makes submitting to them worthwhile "We specialize in the Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror genres. We will consider other genres, such as humor or general interest, provided that the work possesses an original, "quirky" slant." rolling submissions $15

Arsenika: Up to 1,000 words no genre they have rolling admissions and respond in 14 days.  Pay $60

Eletcric Spec250 and 7000 words rolling submissions "speculative fiction elements. We prefer science fiction, fantasy, and the macabre, but we’re willing to push the limits of traditional forms of these genres" pay is $20 *included here because to make $.01/word the story can not exceed 2,000 words*

Flash Fiction Magazine: 300-1000 words complete story any genre pay is $30

Grevious Angel:  up to 750 words "IMPORTANT UPDATE - we've refined the emphasis of our SF&F genre-coverage to echo this site's overall focus on Weird Tales, Ghosts, Geeks, Urban Myths, and Folklore. Yes, we still want Science Fiction and Fantasy, as well Humour/Satire riffs on these genre, but we are looking to be intrigued!" response time is around 28 days pay is $.06/word

Matter press: ??? words seems like flash.  Rolling submissions theme is compression response time 1-3 days and pay is $60

Outlook Springs: up to 1,000 looking for the weird rolling submissions pay $10 a work

Selene Quarterly Press: up to 100 words 101-1,000 words 1,001-1,500 words "publishes quality fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and art that dwells in the shadows. SQM desires stories and poetry that are thrilling, reflective, and imaginative" rolling submissions pay varies for lengths but all is at least $.01 a word

Fantasy Flash:

The Acranist:  up to 1,000 words pay is $50

Cafe Irreal: up to 2,000 words quarterly submissions pay $.01 a word $2 min

Scifi Flash:

Daily Science Fiction: up to 1,500 words pay they accept some fantasy along with Scifi, but it's predominately a space/alien publication pay is $.08/word

Short Story Market:

Breath and Shadow: up to 3,000 words "Breath & Shadow only accepts work from people with disabilities. We use the term "disability" broadly to encompass anyone with a physical, mental, emotional, cognitive, or sensory impairment that significantly affects one or more major life functions" "Breath & Shadow accepts writing on any topic for poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and drama; these pieces do not have to be "about" disability. However nonfiction, academic, and similar articles (profiles, interviews, opinion pieces) do have to relate to disability in some way" pay is $30

Crystal Lake Publishing: 500-5,000 words non-themed anthology in dark fiction genre with fully fleshed out characters they have rolling submissions pay is $.03/a word 

The Dark: 2,000-6,000 words looking for Horror and Dark fantasy "Don’t be afraid to experiment or to deviate from the ordinary; be different—try us with fiction that may fall out of “regular” categories. However, it is also important to understand that despite the name, The Dark is not a market for graphic, violent horror. " pay is $.06 a word

The First Line Literary Journal: 300-5,000 words must use the first line of the season pay is $25-$50

Iridium Press: up to 5,000 words any genre but needs QUILTBAG+ content rolling submissions pay is $.03 a word 

Kaleidetrope: up to 10,000 words looking for "tends very heavily towards the speculative — towards science fiction, fantasy, and horror — but we like an eclectic mix and are therefore interested to read compelling work that blurs these lines, falls outside of neat genre categories. Man does not live on space ships, elves, and ghostly ax murderers alone, after all. " pays $.01 a word

Lamplight: up to 7,000 words "We are a literary magazine of dark fiction, both short stories and flash fiction. We want your best. But then, doesn’t everyone? No specific sub-genres or themes, just good stories. For inspiration, we suggest “The Twilight Zone”, “The Outer Limits”, " pay $.03 a word with $150 max pay out 

Outlook Springs: over 1,000 words, Rolling submissions looking for weir pay is $25

Selene Quarterly Press: 3,000-7,500 words "publishes quality fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and art that dwells in the shadows. SQM desires stories and poetry that are thrilling, reflective, and imaginative" rolling submissions $.03 a word

Short Story Horror Market: 

Gehenna & Hinnom: up to 5,000 words weird and cosmic horror pay is $55

Horror Queen Media: "We are always open to new submissions. We accept short story collections, fiction, graphic novels, coffee table reads, and nonfiction works all firmly planted in the horror genre. You can send your manuscript to" if you haven't hear back in 3 weeks assume it was a pass pay maybe $.02 a word?

PseudoPod: up to 6,000 words pays $.06 word

Short Story Fantasy Market: 

Beneath Ceaseless Skies: up to 15,000 words guide lines on fantasy detailed on site pay is $.06 a word

Clarksworld: 1,000-16,000 words "Science fiction and fantasy. No horror, but dark SF/F is permitted." pay is $.10 for the first 5,000 words and $.08 after that

Deep Magic: top to 9,999 words payment is $.06 a word *I'm really into the magazine because a couple of authors I respect and enjoy have a few publications through them.*

Inkling Press: up to 5,000 words with rolling admissions pay is $50 flat rate

Pod Castle: up to 6,000 words pays $.06 a word

Pantheon Magazine: up to 7,500 words "We are looking for myth in our stories—contemporary, weird, horrific. We want work that taps into the greater truths of humanity through storytelling. We want stories from all over the world, from all voices, from all cultures, backgrounds, and orientations—and we particularly welcome stories from voices that have been marginalized. Speculative elements are very welcome but not required, but we do look for a sense of the uncanny. Our tastes skew dark." pay is $.06 a word *I'm really into this magazine because of it's theming and name*

Short Story Mystery Market:

Alfred Hitchock Mystery Magazine: up to 12,000 words pay is $.05-$.08 a word

Crimson Streets: 800-6,000 words "Crimson Streets is looking for fiction with a focus on action and atmosphere over characterization. Stores can fall into the adventure, aviation, detective/mystery, fantasy, hard-boiled, gangster, horror/occult, masked-vigilante, noir, railroad, romance/spicy, war, and western/cowboy genres.  We publish everything that could fall under the banner of pulp with the exception of Science Fiction.  Science Fiction is a special case and deserves its own home.  " pay is $.01 a word

Mystery Weekly: 2,500-7,500 words pays $.01 a word

Short Story Scifi Market:

Analog Magazine: up to 20,000 words pay is $.08-$.10 a word

Apex Publishing: up to 7,500 words, pays $.06 a word

Asimov's Science Fiction: up to 7,500 words pays $.08-$.10 a word

Escape Pod: Up to 6,000 words pay is $.06 a word

Short Story Speculative Market: 

Lackington's: up to 5,000 words "The “spec” element can be overt or subtle (so blow us away with realism if it possesses the merest twinge of strangeness). Fantasy, SF, slipstream, post-apocalyptic, magic realism, mythopoeia, folktale, grimdark, weird, or any flavour of ‘punk, it’s all good," pay is $.01 a word

Stanger Horizons: up to 10,000 words 5,000 preferred pay is $.08 a word

Short Story Young Adult Market:

Cast of Wonders: up to 6,000 words pay is $.06 a word


Crystal Lake Publishing:  look at the site for details

Websites that are hard to Categorize: 

Haunted Water Press: they do 15 word stories and short stories but their rolling submissions confuse the heck out of me so it's hard for me to figure out how to best include them.Check out their website, they're fun just tricky for me to spreadsheet

Unerving Magazine: they do horror stories with varying lengths, check out their website

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