image from open by Arvin61r58
The Writing Cooperative have a great post "Making of a Wannabe Writer". I recommend anyone undertaking a large writing project read their article and answer the questions they present.
Today, I am sharing my responses to their tips and tricks. It should provide readers better insight into what I'm doing, why I'm doing it, and whether I'm meeting those goals.
A formatting note: The number points from the article are in bold and some editing may occur in the expansion of the main point so I can emphasize the parts that resonate with me. I will provide my responses in italic purple for clarity.
Some Essential Daily Hacks
Some Essential Daily Hacks
...make it a point you write everyday. It may be rubbish, not readable at all. But it will help you get into the habit of writing first of all. It will make you disciplined.
Doing that. Next please.
- Make sure your writing is effective. Once written, read it to yourself and try to evaluate if it’s lame or really compact piece.
This is a struggle for me. What is effective? Are general impressions posts "effective" are those millions of tips posts that seem to copy and paste each other "effective", is sharing my experience and coming to some conclusions "effective"? I don't know.
For me, I'm looking to approach problems in innovative ways and I want the blog to connect to other's individual struggles.
In my creative writing, everything is in review all the time. It's frustrating to think a few months ago I was "done" with a piece I've since unwound and stitched together another way. At some point there has to be an end to tinkering.
My phone isn't my problem, the internet is. It's hard to not pop in and see how Twitter is going or to pause one blog post and check in on my other blog, or to freeze mid research and writing an impromptu something or other.
By the time I'm ready to write, my alarm is going off, letting me know it's time to go to work.
Another work in progress for me it seems.
Don’t procrastinate or worry about being a great blogger/ writer; just write your heart out.
Check. I have no illusions that I'm a great blogger. I'd like to be a consistent one, and one that's accidentally helpful.
In the best of worlds, I'd like to be a blogger who finds her audience for her creative writing and has the opportunity to help other writers find their audience.
During the initial days, it’s better if you just forget about earning. Focus on followers. Bring out quality articles and keep the followers growing steadily.
No problem there, earning isn't even a twinkle in my eye. No Adsense turned on. No call to subscribe. No books, pamphelets, shirts, bags, or mugs for sale. I take the audience finding and building phase seriously. There will be no considerations to monetize until I'm getting at least a couple thousand views (a number chosen for how impossible it seems right now) and even then, I think a good indicator for when to sell something is when the audience asks for it. Like if someone wanted me to curate and publish certain blog posts. Or if I managed to create a good catch phrase. Or if I had an anthology published.
Know well what you write. Have an in depth knowledge and if possible, some personal experience too.
Agreed. I'm very careful to only post and publish things I have personal experience with. It's why the blog has to be about my plans, efforts, and results. I can only speak about what I know works.
On my Twitter, it keeps me from recommending random books in my feed or posting all those generic "Get Good Quick" posts. I'm reading them, thinking on them, and even trying some parts, but I am skeptical of them until I see results and worse, I'm bored with them.