Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tell All Tuesdays!

image from openclipart.org by j4p4n

Looking for the proof?  Check out Metrics Monday to see my numbers.

Twitter Update: 
-My strategy is going well.  So well that my plans to expand my social media reach are on hold.  Twitter is taking up all my time/energy.  The husband laughed at me when I lamented over this.  He said this was a "sign of success" AND that the goal should be that the Twitter expansion is so vast, I can't maintain my job and building the account.  That blew my mind and now I'm evaluating what would be "enough" on this campaign.
-I've incorporated 2 main Twitter Groups the #sixwordstory folks and #themerrywriter group.  Both are good engagement/conversation starters.
- I want to keep #womenwriters on my radar, but I'm not as "engaged" there as I need to be.
-I want to make inroads to #amwritingfantasy this week

North Alabama Writers' Group Blog
Thought having conversation starters and helpful resources would be enough to drive this blog.  It is not.  I'm brainstorming what other forms of promotion I need.  What I have is:
-Harassing the group I'm working with to comment and share entries.  It would help if it wasn't just me and Chris building this community
-Reaching out to my mom for some ideas cause she is a savvy lady who's much better with the in person engagement than me
-Maybe hosting some Write Ins at the library?  Getting more local and thoughtful that way?
-Want to have a logo for our group along caricatures for our group members and some merch.  By Dec.

Writer's Ramblings Blog
-This is going great.
-Views exceed expectations
-I have recurring series, one plugs into the larger writers' community
-Would like more comments so it feels less like I'm working in solitude to an audience of search engine crawlers, but that will have to come with time.

Research-y Things
-Watching booktubers with an eye towards releasing a book review on YouTube.  I've got a great niche in mind and am three quarters done with the book.
-Considering what to do with my Goodreads account, I feel like it should be easy to incorporate, but it's proven to be difficult
-Trying to work up time and energy for a Facebook launch because that's a thing.  Maybe Oct?

Creative Works
-wrote about 500 words and completed some outlining.  Blogging is taking up a lot of time but I will get faster.

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